Welcome to the latest edition of the Top 5 articles we’ve read this week. Each week, we read dozens of articles in the hope we find essays and reporting that speak to big ideas, trends, future looks, and incredible human stories. We hope you enjoy our list, and do always let us know if you have a suggestion or a recommendation!
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Also, tomorrow marks the beginning of the Center for Christianity and Public Life’s inaugural summit, For the Good of the Public. You can still register to join us in D.C..
The Top 5 articles for your week:
“The Club No School Principal Wants to Join” (Men’s Health)
Because Gloria Liu details the eye-opening experiences of principals in schools across America that have experienced school shootings and their aftermaths.
“Climate Change Is Keeping Therapists Up at Night” (NYT Magazine)
Because Brooke Jarvis looks at how climate change is causing the psychotherapy field to catch up to new fears and worries.
There were some ways in which climate fears were a natural fit in the therapy room, and he believed the field had coalesced around some answers that felt clear and useful. But treating those fears also stirred up lots of complicated questions that no one was quite sure how to answer. The traditional focus of his field, Bryant said, could be oversimplified as “fixing the individual”: treating patients as separate entities working on their personal growth. Climate change, by contrast, was a species-wide problem, a profound and constant reminder of how deeply intertwined we all are in complex systems — atmospheric, biospheric, economic — that are much bigger than us. It sometimes felt like a direct challenge to old therapeutic paradigms — and perhaps a chance to replace them with something better.
“Merchant of Death” (Toronto Life)
Because Luc Rinaldi investigates one man, a “suicide peddler” and the fallout of his internet business and the businesses of others who encourage customers to commit suicide.
“America’s shoplifting problem, explained by retail workers and thieves” (Vox)
Because Emily Stewart writes that a lot of retailers are complaining about theft, but what are they actually doing about it?
“How NASA plans to change the way people fly to the moon” (Washington Post)
Because William Neff, Christian Davenport, and Talia Trackim explore how we’re going back the moon, and we’ve figured out some cool new ways to do it!
ICYMI on Wear We Are
The Morning Five: October 30, 2023
The Morning Five: October 31, 2023