“When Was the Last Time American Children Were So Afraid?”
Because lockdown drills for school shootings have been a norm since Columbine, but as attacks increase and the visibility and anxiety of these attacks increase - are young kids today more traumatized than a generation like the Boomers during the Cold War?
“The Rise of White Identity Politics”
Because identity politics can be both helpful and hurtful to our discourse and, more generally, our society, but the rise of white identity politics is particularly alarming. What can be done?
“The disjunction that was promised”
Because “the administration of Donald Trump is better viewed as a disjunctive presidency, similar to that of Jimmy Carter or Herbert Hoover, a symptom of the unraveling conservative order rather than the opening bid of a new authoritarian populist regime or consolidation of the existing Republican regime.”
Because the F-word has lost a bit of its shock value.
“What Happened After My 13-Year Old Son Joined the Alt-Right”
Because the dark web is deeply enticing for lonely teens (+adults) looking for community, and how do parents combat feelings of belonging, connection and verifiability?
Image is of the night sky in Myanmar, image credit: Ye Aung Thu/AFP/Getty