“The Rise of Deaf Architecture” (Washington Post Magazine)
Because smarter, more accessible design is the future.
“The Koch Foundation is Trying to Reshape Foreign Policy. With Liberal Allies” (New York Times Magazine)
Because it will be interesting to see if foreign policy can be crafted across divergent ideologies.
“When the Culture War Comes for the Kids”
Because this piece is a certain type of view into parenthood in 2019.
“What If We Stopped Pretending?” (The New Yorker)
Because this Jonathan Franzen essay on the inevitability of climate change is hints at something deeper…is climate change the kind of problem our politics, our society, is least capable of confronting effectively?
“The Common Good Before the Modern State” (Regensburg Forum)
Because this complex essay simply argues that the state system isn’t made for the common good because the state isn’t made for communities which aren’t made for moral tradition.
Image is a new photo of Saturn. Gotta do it for the ‘gram, ya know? Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute.