Your top 5 articles for the week:
“Global Answers for Local Problems” (New America)
Because we like how this report is easily broken down into readable parts — in case you have 5 minutes vs. 30 minutes — to learn about how some cities are looking at civic engagement and solving their most pressing, local problems. Also, a big bonus is that Bologna is one of the case studies and it’s my (Melissa’s) favorite city.
“Having fewer kids will not save the climate” (Vox)
Because there have been a spate of articles with themes along the lines of: “you shouldn’t have more kids; you’re contributing to climate change and they’re better off not being brought into the world” and we’ve shared them here on our newsletter. Here’s a solid argument against those essays and ideas.
“It’s Not About Britain. It’s About Europe” (The American Interest)
Because this is one of the better articles we’ve read on “why” Brexit happened. And there’s been a lot written on that point!
“The Democratic Party of 2020 Is Broken” (The Atlantic)
Because, this short, but incisive essay from Derek Thompson rings true for what we’re seeing so far in the 2020 primary: “…the forces currently amplifying today’s anti-establishment fervor—the explosion of media, the democratization of fundraising, the abundance of viable candidates, and the advantage of niche products in crowded marketplaces—aren’t going away, no matter what happens in November. In an era of weak parties and strong partisanship, voters are shopping for a savior. And the strictest churches pack the pews.”
“How Cooking Dinner Can Change Your Life” (NYT)
Because we love Sam Sifton’s writing (he also has a book coming out this week, and this is not an ad: we’re probably going to buy it) and this little ode to the love and care that goes into making homemade meals is music to our Italian family’s ears.
Image credit: Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty