Because “This leaves many Americans drenched in a distaste for the actual practice of politics and the craft of governing. They believe that all politicians are knaves and fools, and that the system is endemically corrupt and rigged, and so (figuratively speaking) the village needs to be burned to the ground. This is dangerous nihilism. But oddly enough, it is a function of expectations that are too high, not too low: It is rooted in an assumption that governing is easy, that if our leaders really wanted to solve all our problems, or if we elected people who did, they could.”
“Caleb Cain was a college dropout looking for direction. Then he turned to YouTube.”
Because we’ve seen a spate of articles talking about the Alt-Right these past few weeks (even had a QOTW on it) and this particular piece covers the responsibility of YouTube in the matter.
Because the rate of white middle-aged men in the Midwest is climbing higher and higher (warning: entire article is on suicide)
“Men are in trouble. ‘Incels’ are proof.”
Because (as you see in the Rolling Stone article above) 1 in 3 millenial men are unemployed, living at home and/or living at/near the poverty line and incel subculture (those who are involuntarily celibate) is one very delusional and alarming coping mechanism.
“Some Real News About Fake News”
Because Pew has new research on the consumption and definition of “fake news,” and more Americans are less informed in order to avoid what they perceive as “fake news.”
Image is of the Valley of the Mills in Sorrento, Italy, image credit: Ivan Romano/Getty