Top 5 articles for your week:
“I went to a convention for politics nerds and it filled me with dread, loathing, and existential terror” (Business Insider)
Because, let’s start our week here. What a fantastic piece on the state of our politics by Eve Peyser. It’s my favorite political essay of the year. Be sure to read to the end.
“This Tom Hanks Story Will Help You Feel Less Bad” (New York Times)
Because you should use this article as a chaser to the Business Insider piece above. It shows just how thirsty we are for goodness in the world.
“Jesus isn’t interested in America’s two-party division” (Washington Post)
Because this Michael F. Bird essay is also excellent, and dives into some of the things I’ve been talking about with regards to political idolatry and the importance of not treating politics as ultimate.
“Civility is Overrated” (The Atlantic)
Because it’s Adam Serwer, and his essays are always a must-read. I’d read this not as an argument against civility itself, but against the misuse of civility. I still disagree with Adam a bit here, but he includes some important rejoinders here for those who support the invocation of civility whenever it is made uncritically.
“Venice Underwater: The Highest Tide in 50 Years” (The Atlantic)
Because this photo essay is a pretty start reminder of the latest data we have from climate scientists on what the world will look like by 2050.
The image shows one of Boston Dynamics’ latest robots, a.k.a. a robot that looks exactly like the killer robot dogs in the “Metalhead” episode of Black Mirror (s.4, ep.5). SO GREAT. Image credit: Patricia De Melo Moreira, AFP/Getty.