Your top 5 articles:
“Here’s What Barack Obama Is Thinking Now” (The Atlantic)
Because some folks really want to be saved by President Obama, but he’s going to let voters decide the primary before jumping in.
“The Millennials Who Want to Get Rid of Their Class Privilege” (Washington Post Magazine)
Because it’s so interesting that some organizations are helping wealthy young people have a place to discuss their vast wealth, and how to give it away.
“Common Good Capitalism: An Interview with Marco Rubio” (American Interest)
Because Rubio continues to try to chart a conservative pro-worker, pro-family approach to economic policy.
“How Bernie Sanders Can Still Win It All” (New York Times)
Because Bernie can still win the nomination, and Liz Bruenig thinks pro-family policies are the way to do it.
“The exhausting, lucrative world of childhood sleep consulting” (Vox)
Because like a few things, sleep is interminably valuable, and the parenting world is designed to make parents feel inadequate and anxious about getting it all right.
BONUS: “A Chart to Explain Your Entire Worldview” (The Atlantic)
Because I (Melissa) am a true neutral (yes, I took this blasted test for you all). What are you?
Image is of a frozen house up near Buffalo, our hometown. Image credit: Lindsay DeDario/Reuters
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