Note: Today, The AND Campaign, with a national coalition of partners, launched the Churches-Helping-Churches Challenge to help smaller, at-risk churches during this crisis. You can donate to the fund at ChurchRelief.org. If you there are small churches in your network that are under dire financial pressure due to the coronavirus, the application for churches to apply for grant money will go live on Monday at ChurchRelief.org.
“Germany Gets It” (The New Republic)
Because the foundation and source of rhetoric during crises affects how its citizens will respond.
“The Pandemic Is Turning the Natural World Upside Down” (The Atlantic)
Because climate change is going to be coming up a lot when the pandemic abates, and the data that scientists are gathering now will be informative to the new debates.
“What the staggering spike in unemployment means for the American economy” (The Week)
Because unemployment claims are skyrocketing, and the effects on the economy will continue to ricochet.
“Trump Has Broken the Republican Party—and Conservatism—for Good” (The Bulwark)
Because Bill Kristol is looking for how the GOP is changing—even more than it already has—during the COVID-19 crisis.
“The new threat: hunger in America” (Washington Post)
Because while the pandemic, the economy, unemployment, and federal/state government’s responses are getting a ton of attention, the US was already food insecure. It might grow worse.
Image is of a child in the UK supporting their mother and the NHS. Image credit: Carl Recine/Reuters.