Top 5: The Lord's Prayer
“‘We all thought that he would be the one’” (Washington Post)
Because the NFL football player known as “The Lord’s Prayer” should have become the first Black NFL quarterback, but he didn’t for a variety of reasons detailed in this excellent essay.
“Pleasure Needs No Politics” (Gawker)
Because B.D. McClay gets to the heart of the problem of politicizing everything: sometimes, politicizing everything is dumb.
“Denmark’s Hard Lessons About Trust and the Pandemic” (NYT)
Because Denmark fared the pandemic very well compared to others— but how? The European country has a high level of government trust, low polarization, and strong community cohesion — Danish officials didn’t just come up with good public health policy.
“They executed people for the state of South Carolina. For some, it nearly destroyed them.” (The State)
Because the death penalty has been a bigger debate in American Christian circles as of late, and this particular article chronicles the damage for those carrying out state executions and also how a state like South Carolina can place a shroud over its execution practices.
“Today’s Political Climate: Is it Time for Christ-Followers to Bravely Step into the Messy, Mystical, Middle?” (Conversatio)
Because I’m often asked about politics and spiritual formation, and this essay from Gary Moon is for those of you looking for a way to “be” in politics.