This week, we discuss 3 out of 5 of our Top 5 articles, this time on the future of food. We really enjoyed recording this episode because we get to talk about Italy and Italian cuisine. Enjoy!
The Top 5 articles for your week:
“Massimo Bottura Wants You to Stop Wasting Your Food” (TIME)
Because there’s something incredibly special about using food and space and place to transform the notion of a typical soup kitchen.
“Welcome to invasivorism, the boldest solution to ethical eating yet” (Popular Science)
Because there are plenty of invasive species that could be eaten, and through their use, controlled better. But also, “‘Creating a market engenders pressure to maintain that problematic species,’…In other words, building demand for invasives on consumers’ plates might actually encourage their persistence in the long term.”
“Is the ‘Future of Food’ the Future We Want?” (Eater)
Because the restaurant industry and tech industry are teaming up to discuss and pilot new ways to provide celebrity food experiences to your front door. (n.b. there is cussing in the article)
“The Dirty Work of Cleaning Online Reputations” (The Walrus)
Because in exchange for several thousand dollars, anyone can curate their online history and reputation.
“Against the Stream: The forgotten pleasures of analog media” (The Yale Review)
Because the author, Jason Guriel, writes an ode to physical, slow-paced media and art. “If the present age, the Age of Scrolling, abets sampling and second thoughts, the Age of Browsing encouraged second chances. Owning physical media forced you to reckon with it, to appreciate it. (Maybe you sometimes tried too hard to appreciate something, but there are worse sins.) We steeped ourselves in stuff, and the stuff would start to sink in. Art has always required second—and third and fourth—chances to saturate the mind. Streaming platforms, on the other hand, flood the mind. They set it afloat and bear it away—on to the next novelty. They promise abundance but deliver a deluge.”
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