How did the economy and pandemic influence it?

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Both very significant, of course. Also, largely out of the candidates' control. I think the pandemic was the context for much of Youngkin's support from those focused on education. Economy is always the top issue cognitively for voters, and Youngkin spoke very confidently on that front.

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That makes sense and I feel like there are strengths in the summer-fall economy that probably Democrats didn't do enough to advertise/celebrate. Similarly, it seems a strong possibility that for much of America the pandemic is almost over and idk if this election came just a bit too soon or if Democrats should've done more celebrating that.

Opinions of Youngkin seem split - is he someone closer to e.g. Romney, Kasich, Bush than to e.g. Santorum, pre-Trump Cruz, etc.? Should we be saying, not as armchair R strategists but as engaged citizens, that Rs should nominate more people like Youngkin?

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