Thanks for including the CO River water article. I've lived in Denver 40 yrs and learned how important water is for our region. Good to learn more.about tribal rights (and lack thereof). And with so many newcomers to our region, there is a need to educate people about the scarcity of water and the need to conserve. Esp worried about how fast Phoenix has grown.

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Denver for 40 years!!! We think it's one of the most under-talked about, fascinating issues in the US. All of the state negotiations seem to just kick the can down the road. We have family who just moved back to Tucson (aka similar to Phoenix in growth) because of the military, and I worry about this crisis. The tribal aspects are also no longer peripheral!

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Yes - my daughter lives in Tucson. Also the international nuances are there, with no water getting to the border and to Mexico. Our daughter works in Nogales w migrants and the town of Nogales,Sonora (Mexico side) has gaps.in water supply. Drought is the present and future of SW. Thanks for drawing attention.

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