OK, friends. Working on analysis now. Thanks for watching this dumpster fire with me.

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Thank YOU!

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Biden very good looking at camera, speaking directly to voters. Needs to do more of that. That last exchange in the SCOTUS segment did not do enough to distinguish between "Trump is exhausting" and "politics is exhausting"

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This president's response on whether Americans can trust their own democracy is unprecedented and deranged.

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Biden wasn't convincing in arguing about why Trump shouldn't be able to put forward a nomination, but he did the right thing focusing on ACA. Also, he noted that he has nothing personal against Barrett.

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The Biden campaign is going to have a lot of ad material out of this debate, and they're going to be able to show Biden speaking directly to American voters about the issues that matter to them.

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That final segment on the election was the most powerful one, and should be disqualifying for Donald Trump.

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Loved this format! Thanks everyone, especially Michael, for this.

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Agreed. Thank you Michael and Melissa for carving out this space!

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Agreed with this. Thank you both!

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We're at the 1,000,000th disqualifying segment for Donald Trump.

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"How are ya doing, man?" -Joe Biden

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Biden just specifically raised Trump's visit to St. John's, and religious objections to it.

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Biden identified himself as irish catholic. Do you think it would be smart for Biden to mention the Atlantic article that reported Trump mocks his religious supporters?

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"He doesn't want to let me answer, because he knows I have the truth." -Biden

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I really liked that line. Also, the "art of the deal...China has the art of the steal." Sounds more like a Harris line. Do you think Kamala wrote it? :)

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Solid first answer from Trump on SCOTUS. Matter of fact. Followed a line of logic.

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Thanks to all of you who have joined tonight. Glad to be watching this with you. I'd encourage you to check out the rest of this newsletter, and if the work is valuable to you, subscribe at reclaiminghope.substack.com/subscribe. Let's go!

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Thanks for doing this!

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Looking forward to following along with you!

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"He cannot stop you from being able to determine the outcome of this election." -Biden

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Trump just undermined Fauci, his own advisor, on a nationally televised debate with tens of millions tuning in.

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Big part of this debate is how much more tolerance do the American people have for this president's childish, petulant behavior? Or are Americans not paying close enough attention to politics throughout the year that they just aren't exhausted enough yet?

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Seems kind of incredible that after an incredible round over SCOTUS, Trump turns toward arguing with Wallace which seems about the dumbest thing I can see.

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We're halfway through. What are you all thinking so far?

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I wish there was a mute button.

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I don’t feel like I’ve learned anything new about either candidate. And I’m even more irritated by both parties than before.

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This is what Trump wants, right?

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Then... I’m disappointed that Biden wasn’t better prepared

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good point!

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This 👆

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Huge contribution to a collective national anxiety

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I wish Biden wouldn't stoop to Trump's level with the petty insults. I know it must be extremely tough to be ridiculed on national television but Biden knew Trump was going to do that. I don't see that as weak, but emotionally strong which is a quality I like in a leader.

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I wish they could mute mics while the other is speaking. This is ridiculous

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Hate to say it, it feels like Trump is wiping the floor. I am honestly surprised how poorly Joe was prepped to not engage him, because he did so much better at the Democratic debates.

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Biden is holding his own. Taking the bait at the beginning.

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Trump's a bully, Joe is holding his own

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It seems like we're watching a preschool teacher try and get two pre-schoolers to have a rational discussion. Trump is a bully that has to have the last word on everything. Biden doesn't know how to hide how much he can't stand Trump. I'm ready to just turn it off.

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I think Chris Wallace is doing a good job. Biden is better than he has been in the past. But Trump is correct that in the beginning of covid there were mixed signals about masks. Trump doesn't seem as on it as he was with Clinton, not as many one line zingers. I wish that Biden had a bit more energy and seemed excited. He seems exhausted, but cant blame him.

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Trump will not stop talking. Dear lord.

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Is there a legitimate reason they don't mute microphones? Is it genuinely as cynical as I feel (ratings) or is it some philosophical approach?

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We're about 30 minutes out from the debate. As I described in the newest episode of the Faith 2020 podcast that came out today, I think the dynamics of this race have clearly changed though it's unclear the trajectory of the race has changed at all. Joe Biden is in the driver's seat, though the path forward is now full of potholes that did not exist before, including the Supreme Court nomination of Amy Coney Barrett. Tonight is an opportunity for Biden to reassure voters, and for Trump to undermine voters' confidence in Biden and bring Biden down to his size.

Here's what I'm looking for:

1. I have written here, and told reporters, that there will be a critical moment for Biden re: faith, probably regarding abortion. That could come tonight as SCOTUS is on Chris Wallace's agenda. Does Biden respond in a way that is consistent with his history, or does he respond to Trump's bombast with a stridency of his own? To be clear, I expect Biden will bring up his view that Roe v. Wade must be protected. The question is whether he will make any additional commitments (codifying Roe, using DOJ preclearance)? Does he present his position in an antagonistic way?

2. Is Biden able to succinctly make his case re COVID and convince voters he's prepared to lead a better American response? How does he handle Trump's constant interjections, particularly during the discussion on COVID?

3. Do we see State of the Union Trump, or rally Trump tonight? Do we see a president or a shock jock? These questions are, of course, somewhat beside the point. Trump is Trump. We'll see all of it. How low does he Trump go tonight? Does he go after Biden's family? Does he suggest Biden is mentally unfit? The Republican convention featured consistent appeals to Black and Hispanic voters...does Trump make those kinds of appeals tonight?

4. Can Biden show he will bring country together while also prosecuting a case against Trump?

5. Matt Dowd said something just now on ABC that I think is completely wrong. He said "Biden would like for this debate to not matter, while Trump needs it to matter." I think that's wrong. This is the first opportunity voters have to see Biden and Trump together, and Biden's case relies on voters seeing that he's different than Trump. That his experience matters in a way that voters need to take seriously. That his character matters in a way that voters need to take seriously. This is a presidential debate. It matters for Biden and Trump.

6. Finally, Biden should find a way to acknowledge what he shares in common with Justice Barrett--shared commitment to faith and family--before he lays out an argument against confirming her (or any justice) based on Republicans' previous arguments and commitments.

OK, that's it. Glad to be watching this debate with you all!

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Biden said he will be a president for all Americans. appreciate that.

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Joe should not take the bait. I wish he would look in the camera and talk to us. That’s when he’s best.

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I am hoping that Biden will overcome the low bar set for him as an incompetent speaker/ debater and will be able to prove why he is in this position and capable.

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Do you believe in the science of climate change? Couldn’t say yes.

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unfortunately, over a third of evangelicals say there is "no solid evidence" for climate change.

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And lets be honest.. theres a large number of people who are using this climate change segment as an intermission.

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you're probably correct. but i am hoping that the (&) campaign includes climate change in future statements :)

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The Bible says God created the world. I don't believe the 'scientists' about evolution. Why should I believe them about global warming?

I totally think we should do better at taking care of the environment, but I think it's being taken to an extreme. Point in case: in the Democratic primary everyone said that global warming was the existential threat of our world. As a Christian that's just false; sin is our existential threat.

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“Months.” I can’t do months. Lol

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My friend, who supports Trump said, "I think its funny that the only way to get Trump to shut up is too say, 'Mr. President, I think this will make you very happy.'"

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Looking at the camera VOTE,VOTE, VOTE

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I cannot watch. Too much conflict for me. Looking forward to your recap.

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Don't blame you, Ann!

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I’m hoping it will be a debate focused on policy and less on the respective temperaments of each candidate. I’m hoping it is also moderated fairly.

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I have hope about the last point. Much less so on the first.

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Mike Reese, Multnomah County Sheriff (portland's county), tweeted that he does not support Trump and never will. Even though Trump said he has his support during the debate.

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As a Portland resident, it is infuriating to hear Trump talk about my city.

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Fact checking by the New York Times - https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/09/29/us/debate-fact-check

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How can they get him to stop talking? This doesn't feel like a debate - I can't hear the answers. It feels like a Fox News commentary segment.

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I am looking forward to the numbing pain of knowing that nothing that is said in the debate will matter to the people I'm most able to sway (friends and family) and the inevitable justifications for authoritarianism! (I am not actually looking forward to this. I am actually looking forward to Biden's tone, if he'll be able to needle the President without stooping to his level.)

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I want to see what tone Biden takes and how “competent” and blunder free he is. I think if he seems competent and takes on a “presidential but tough” tone, it could win over swing voters worried about his mental fitness.

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My goal is find interesting statements and put them in a matching game where people have to guess which candidate said them. I think most people (including myself) are far too quick to agree or disagree based on their opinion of the person speaking rather than the actual statement.

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Can we arrange to hook them up to polygraphs during the debate?

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This is a bit sinister on my part, I admit fully, and sadly, I hope Trump stumbles some where in the broadcast, and that Biden maintains a warm, certain, forward looking calm. Let's talk about the issues that are facing our American public...and how to best solve some of those...without "catty barbs" being exchanged, when we are all longing for hope-filled facts and solutions.

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I am making Lidia's mushroom ragu before the debate and wonder if you have any suggestions...

I am interested in:

- How nasty and personal does Trump get?

- What tone does Biden take? Does he try to stay above the fray? Does he take a dismissive and condescending approach like he did with Paul Ryan? Does he go on the attack?

- What will Biden have to say about ACB?

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I want to see Biden reach out in ways that are meaningful to conservatives. Not that he hasn't done it, but looking for MORE ways that might reach people and make them think about it.

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"He is not worried about you." -Biden

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Wallace really needs to get an answer from Biden here on filibuster/court-packing.

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I also really want an answer to that.

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Biden very good staring right at the camera, talking directly to voters who actually have their well-being riding on this discussion. It's not a show to them, and Biden is communicating that he gets that.

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"You picked the wrong guy on the wrong night at the wrong time." -Biden

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Does Trump know Barrett's position on Roe v. Wade? He promised to only nominate a justice whose views on the subject were clear.

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I wonder how many people who are voting for trump because of abortion will pay attention to how he said nothing will change with Roe v Wade?

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"I hate to raise my voice, but why should I be different from the two of you?" -Chris Wallace

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Trump wanted a Sanders/Warren ticket so he's decided to just debate far left democrats instead of Biden's platform? I also noticed he tried to beat Biden to a fact check.

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Michael, what are the odds that tonight's ... mess ... makes the Biden team rethink participating in the future debates?

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This is an interesting question. It /has/ felt like Biden just wanted to shut it down completely at one or two points, but I imagine the repercussions would be pretty significant. Trump would no doubt capitalize on it and spin it to say Biden "couldn't keep up" or something to that effect.

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I think above all, I’m most disappointed in the moderator.

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What could he possibly do?

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Stand and yell shut up

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He tried that. :) Well, not standing up.

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This is where I’m unclear who sets the rules and layout etc. but he needs to be more firm. He’s approaching this debate by expecting the candidates to remain civil. I need him to come in and KNOW that they’re not gonna listen and approach it from that perspective. He’s way too polite for them.

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I think Chris Wallace did better as the debate went on, but there wasn't much more the poor guy could do.

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Yes, thank you Michael. I’m looking forward to your newsletter.

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Wallace finally challenging Trump

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"I'll ask a question about race, you can answer a question about race or anything else." That was a great line from Chris Wallace.

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The Dispatch is doing a live stream right now - https://vimeo.com/event/45383

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George Stephanopoulos called that the worst debate he has ever seen.

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listening to multiple channels say the same thing.

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