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Wear is the Love Episode 28
On this week’s episode, we talk about the role of influence in DC politics and who has it via this Rolling Stone article, “SCOTUS Justices ‘Prayed With’ Her — Then Cited Her Bosses to End Roe”. We also talk about all the whispers surrounding the coming(?) recession and how economist Kyla Scanlon has written a hilarious and informative article called “The Vibecession.” Her piece got me thinking about the amount of cynicism in American culture towards America itself right now, and how that’s affecting us all. Many vibes on this pod. Many vibes.
The Top 5 articles for your week:
“The Vibecession: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy” (Substack)
Because are we headed into a recession? No one knows! But Americans are starting to feel like we are, and that counts for a lot.
“Joe Biden: Why I’m going to Saudi Arabia” (Washington Post)
Because President Biden defends his trip Saudi Arabia, despite the country’s involvement in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and other human rights issues, and essentially lays out his Administration’s approach to the Middle East.
“Unsettled” (The Verge)
Because last week, we included a housing crisis article in the Top 5, and this week, The Verge covers the bureaucratic mess for housing refugees at the moment, especially since Biden administration officials report that the US is not hitting resettlement targets.
“Signs of Life” (Hazlitt)
Because “Psychologists agree that repeated exposure to trauma stories, even if that exposure is only second-hand, leads to a “disrupted world view,” one wherein the world no longer appears benign.”
“There I Almost Am” (Yale Review)
Because this is a more unusual article to include in the Top 5 — more literary than ideas-based — but it’s about what it’s like to be a twin. It’s beautiful.
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