
Finally! A paid leave/child care question

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Amazing that no one is even attempting to criticize Pete tonight really...weird, tbh

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I disagree with some of Harris' family policy around leave and related issues, but politically for her that answer was remarkably strong...best answer of the campaign for her imo

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Klobuchar is on track again tonight so far

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Kamala has been saving that counterpunch on Tulsi since, like, the second debate

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1) Booker first to reference church/faith 2) Booker really pivoting his campaign here over the last week.

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Maybe it should have been assumed, but I think it's interesting they're opening with impeachment here. I would imagine some of the campaigns are less happy about that than others.

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Nov 21, 2019Liked by Michael & Melissa Wear

Why is Joe the only person to EVER bring up passing bills through Congress and whether it can be done?

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Nov 21, 2019Liked by Michael & Melissa Wear

Warren already has over 5 minutes of talking time - next closest is Mayor Pete with 2:43...

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Love this answer from Cory Booker on American values and foreign policy

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No one has told Biden that civility is now a big no-no, and thank goodness. Great answer from Joe Biden.

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Goodness this Medicare debate is uselessly repetitive. They had a weeks to come up with a question that would shed light on some new aspect of the disagreement...

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Hahahahah MSNBC gives Biden the FIFTH question of the debate, and it’s the first critical question of the debate.

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I am curious to see if that final sequence, which I would view as very bad for Biden, will actually affect his support among black voters.

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There are sooo many issues they won't have time to get to in 2 hours, why are they spending so much time talking about Trump?

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This would be a great place for Yang to jump in, re: point 6, as he's often derided the wealth tax. Is it just too early to be doing so?

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Equally excited for tonight. I'm curious, Michael, if you think Booker will pick up some of the attacks on Buttigieg that Castro will miss? There's a lot of chatter about the similarities in Booker and Buttigieg's background and how Booker is not getting the same attention for some of the same accolades (Rhodes Scholarship the most discussed that I've seen). Normally I wouldn't take Booker as the type to do such, but his tweet of an Onion article suggested maybe a more adversarial position, imo.

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